I really didn't want to exercise today.
I wanted to earlier this morning, which is why I woke up early for it, but realized that I couldn't finish my entire workout if I did. I have to hear Debbie say, "See you tomorrow!" or I wont come back (lol) and I didn't want to punk out on my workout. I know would come up with excuses not to come back and finish the workout and end up saying something like, "well at least I did something today." I didn't want that. I want to make every bit of my exercise count.
My son had his 2 year wellness check this morning at 9 am, and I needed to make sure I got him up, got his snuggle time in (or he's a little punk for the rest of the day), feed him breakfast and get us both ready which means I needed to get him up around 7-715 at the latest. I woke up at 6am, would have started exercising at roughly 6:30, which puts me at finishing the workout at around 7:15. I would then need to take a shower and get ready, and wouldn't be able to wake him up until probably close to 7:45-8am. There is no way we could have made the dr's appointment on time if I did that--so I just didn't exercise at all this morning, but it really messed with my energy/willpower.
Logan got shots today, so it was also a very draining day. He cried from the moment we walked into the exam room until we left. very. draining. day. After we got home at 10:30am, I took him for a long walk (an hour) which could be considered exercise, but I don't, just cause I felt rather relaxed and exercise doesn't make me feel that way. Then put him down for a nap and thought about exercise. I watched the parade laying down on the couch (thinking about exercise), covered in a blanket (thinking about exercise) and FREEZING (thinking I really didn't want to exercise lol)! That made me drowsy (being on the couch does that to me anyway) and then I REALLY didn't want to exercise.
I got up to check some of our ebay auctions (to fund our move), then my email, and I saw some comments on my blog, which really motivated me to exercise!
I did "Ramp It Up!" again, and had so much energy doing it! It warmed me up, and now I feel great :). I increased the tension on the resistance band part of the workout, and my arms feel like jello. I have 3 more days on this phase, so I have to make it count!
I really wanted to thank you guys for motivating me to get my butt up and exercise! I really needed it today :).
Thank you again, and I hope you guys have a great workout yourselves!
Smiles and blessings!
I can do this. I am a star (thanks to you guys!)
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
I just wanted to let you know I had read your comment on Nagle5 News. Yes, you are doing the right thing. Yes, it is stressful. Yes, this too shall pass. No, you will never regret it.
Mine are 18, 16, 11. I stayed at home until last year when I started to work part time. We lived on one income with three kids and it was hard. It was stressful, yet at the same time, Hubby made as much or more money than others in his company, because he didn't have to take days off to do doctors visits or bring sick kids to work with him. Bosses look favorably on him, because he wasn't stressed when he was at work so he was able to give 100%. He knew when he got home that dinner would be on the table, the kids would be clean and ready to play and dad would be king of his castle.
The Bible says, "Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her" Proverbs 31:28.
It may not seem like it now, but there will come a time when they will do that. So when you feel stressed, or wonder is it all worth it, know that there are lots of us out there, who have been doing it a lot longer, and we don't have any regrets. Caring for your family will be your greatest reward.
Take the dates where you can get them now. A movie while the little one plays, a massage while he naps, a picnic for three. Soon will come the time when you will be alone again. Much too soon.
I'm so glad you got up and did the exersises anyways! That takes a LOT of will power!!! Way to go!!!
Melissa, I'm so glad you did it! I only did a small work out, but I knew I'd have to report to you...Good job!
Also, Generations is correct...I was not able to be home with my kids until 10 years ago (that makes Charming 7 when I was able to come home, and Valiant was 2)...I wish I could have stayed home the entire time. Now, I fight tooth and nail to stay home. And, my marriage is actually better because I do focus on the home. It is worth it...
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