5 min warm up
25 min cardio (moderate intensity)
10 min stretch/cool down
(The Biggest Loser Workout)
I promise every post wont be this long. I just need to work out a system or a format. Systems rock.
So, I put my son down for nap, strapped the puppies down and got ready to exercise. I put my hair in a pony tail, clipped my bangs back and thought, "Uh oh! I didn't make dinner for tonight!" Procrastination is a big hairy beast.
I pulled the chicken out of the fridge to make a crockpot rotisserie-style chicken (I love Stephanie's blog btw, she inspired me to make a new years resolution). I ripped off it's skin, shoved an onion and cracked garlic inside, gave it a spice rub, and tossed it in the crockpot. Ta-da! Dinner is ready! That should be enough exercise for one day, right? I read somewhere that housework can be considered a form of exercise. Ripping skin off of a chicken isn't as easy as it sounds. J/K. It is. With a knife :).
So I'm not sure what else to say, other than I did it. I exercised today. It was as hard as pulling out the The Biggest Loser Workout DVD (#1 in the 6wk workout plan) and popping it into the DVD player. Once it starts, I have to do it. Bob Harper is pychic. He knows what we are thinking, and when we are going to sit down. He's good. I hate him for making me do jumping jacks. He has a pretty face though so he is excused.
I can feel that my muscles have been worked, and my lungs feel clear. I'm sure I will feel it tomorrow. I plan to switch between cardio and strength training everyday. I have Weight-a-Bands and 5 lb hand weights. I will use whatever I have around the house to exercise with, and no equipment other than the DVD player and TV.
When my "training" becomes more advanced or when I feel that I am reaching a plateau, I'll start a log book and will start monitoring my HR with a Polar A3 Heart Rate Monitor (now discontinued, but any kind will work), my RPE's to get a sense of my intensity level. I have an idea of what I weigh, but I am not going to weigh myself, because I don't want that to be a determination of what kind of day I will have--I have been known to change intensities, if I know I am losing weight. My clothes will tell me if I am losing inches. I need to lose close to 100 lbs to get down to a "healthy" weight for my height, but we'll see. I will weigh myself once a month to keep track of weight loss goals, but that's it. If I lose only 10 lbs by day 365, then I am a happy camper--better than gaining, right? More would be better :)
I did it! Day 2 finished!...day 2 of 365... help!
I can do this. I am a star.
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
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