I really flaked on my exercise today. I turned on the 20 minute workout and only did 10 minutes of it because I kept getting distracted with tidying up and putting stuff in the last few boxes. My brain is in moving mode and it wont stop.
I feel that I have done a lot physically today though, pretty much since I woke up (cleaning each room, moving boxes, etc), so I will excuse myself from not doing more, or feeling bad about it. I'm sure I burned more calories cleaning and moving boxes around, than I would have on this video, so it's all good. In fact, I scrubbed this stain on our counter (I used a square cake pan to put soap bottles, sponges and sink stuff in, and it rusted a HUGE stain in the counter! lesson learned lol) for a good 30-40 minutes, so that alone is more than the video...and my arm is sore now! lol
I still can't believe this connection is working... lol
Hope you all have a great day and a great workout! Make today count!
I can do this. I am a star.
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
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