Wanna hear something amazing? Since I started getting outside and trying to jog, I have walked, jogged and/or skipped 89 miles! I think it's been in the last 2 months...I can't remember when I started taking things outside. This is another thing that proves to me that small goals turn into something big. My goal is to walk 2 miles a day. Two+ miles a day turned into 89 miles! Sweet! I can do 2 miles pretty easily now, so I do it on most days, if not more. Some days I walk 4-5 miles. Anyway seeing a bunch of days go by to make such a big number is so inspiring to me and such a blessing. This is what I mean by "make it count!" I couldn't say that I had walked 89 miles, if I didn't get out there everyday and try to make it count. I have a new goal of walking the distance across the United States. How cool would that be, to say that I walked the distance acrossed the US in xx amount of time. I don't know how long that will take me, but I am tracking it on this site:
It shows me pictures along the way lol. I am 7.38 mi to Ashland, VA, Hanover County.
It just amazes me that I can say that I have walked 89 miles! In my not so new running shoes! At the rate that I am going at, I am going to have to retire these bad boys soon (I read somewhere to replace your shoes after 200-300 miles).
Anyway, I got up early today, and didn't go walk (go figure). It was almost 90F degrees by 6:15am and I was not about to head out. The first thing I thought was, "Awe man! Now I am going to have to get up even EARLIER to beat the heat!" Typing this right now (it's 110F btw), I kind of chuckled to myself and thought, "Oh well, I'm gonna have to do it anyway!" lol...the downside of going back to work.
Today is another (non)rest day. I didn't really plan for that, but it just turned out that way and continues to turn out that way. I can do that. So can you :). Just don't let it turn into another day followed by another day! Up until this resolution, that had always been my problem (I'd lose momentum). Today I did 20 minutes of exercise, The Firm, Cardio Sculpt. I am still in my exercise clothes because...well because I am a nerd. Part of me is itching to do more and part of me wants to just stop at 20 minutes. I keep telling myself that I will do more when the Monkey Boy goes down for a nap, but it's the middle of the afternoon, and he is showing no sign of sleepiness--he's probably not going to take a nap. Besides, when was the last time that I exercised for only 20 minutes?? It's been a long time. I think I am turning into a workaholic with exercise. If I let it, exercise will consume me the entire day--thinking about it, tracking it, reading about it... Anyway I should probably just leave it at that. :) I think I will :).
I hope you all have a good day! If it's raining in your neck of the woods, do something inside! Sparkpeople has a ton of free videos...yes absolutely FREE! I am thinking about doing the 15 minute ab video (See, there I go again!). Looks fun!
Make it count!
I can do this. I am a star.
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
Congrats Melissa on 89 miles! That site looks really cool. And I meant to tell you it was great the other day to hear about all your eats, I think it was the buffet day. You really appealed to the foodie side of me with your ideas and tips!
One day at a time, one decision at a time, one foot in front of another. Each tiny decision at a time and all of a sudden you have 89 miles! WOW Melissa, that is really amazing! What a huge accomplishment!
Thank you Loree and Jen :)
89 miles seems so daunting, but like anything else, you just took it one step at a time. That is super cool! I wonder if I could get my kids on board by using the government thing you're using. Hmmmm...
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