Today I got out the door early again and did my 2 mile power walk (30 minutes, 482 calories), then did The Firm's Ab Sculpt again (26 minutes, 268 calories), 2 sets of 10 push ups, 2 sets of 25 pectoral flies with 5lb hand weights and finished off with my quickfire challenges for the day (for a grand total of 858 calories in 85 minutes).
The first quickfire challenge is an Isometric Bicep Press on each arm. I used a 10lb weight instead of pressing w/ the other hand, for 10 seconds each and I think 20 sets (I started to lose count). I am going to do this 4 more times throughout the day to total of 100. I also did the 2nd quickfire plus which is an Isometric Hand Press, 10 seconds each, 10 sets so far and will strive for 100 throughout the day as well. These remind me of grade school when the girls would say, "I must, I must, I must increase my bust," know what I'm talking about right? lol.
I have to tell you, my biceps, shoulders and chest muscles are already shaking from these Quickfires today...I'm starting to feel like a wet noodle. Funny "Melissa" fact: a friend of mine growing up, who was Filipino said that my name meant "noodle" in his first language, I think Tagalog--I think he was pullin' my wet noodle (leg) but I think of that every time I say or hear the word noodle lol. I can still remember where we were when he said it. I must have been 10 or 11 years old lol.
Anyway I hope you guys have a great day. Make it count! You have almost an entire day to do so!
I can do this. I am a star.
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
OMG, they said that at your school too???
lol. I think it's been said everywhere... I think you can actually find it on as an urban legend for increasing breast size lolol
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