Holy cow, I can't believe how sore my legs are today (good sore, not bad sore). It feels like I have big balls behind my legs where my hamstrings are. I sound like a wolf walking through the house, "oweoooooooo" and look even funnier. My husband and son find it funny. It IS pretty funny :). I can't help but laugh too. My hubby was trying to rub my massage my legs to help them feel better and he laughed the entire time, because he said my facial expressions were so funny. I haven't felt my legs like this since I used to weight train on a regular basis years ago. It's only the back side of my legs too--not my quads. It sounds funny but it feels good to know that I worked my legs so thoroughly, but stinks because, well, I am sore. Pretty sore.
I procrastinated again today, but because I didn't know what I would do with my legs being so sore. All of my cardio uses heavy legs. They are sore when I sit (even as I type this) and sore when I walk or stand. My hubby even makes sound effects when I walk with each step. He is really getting a kick out of this (lol). Anyway, I think it would be a bad idea to do The Firm with the Fanny Lifter today, because I don't want my legs to feel worse tomorrow.
I decided to even out the soreness (lol) and do a ton of upper body:
100 close-arm wall push ups (sets of 25) Today's QFC
100 seated dumbbell concentration curls (sets of 20, 5lb weight)
100 dumbbell wrist curls (sets of 10, 5lb weight)
50 overhead shoulder presses (sets of 25, 5lb weight)
50 pectoral flies, lying on the ground (sets of 25, 5 lb weight)
100 chest presses, lying on the floor (sets of 50, 5 lb weight)
Today was extremely entertaining. By the time I had finished this all (I did it with circuit training), 90 minutes had passed by. You would think I got in a good workout, but I kind of feel otherwise because... well, I asleep. In the middle of exercising! On the floor, after finish the pec flies, before doing a set of chest presses, legs propped at a 90 degree angle--dang I must have been tired, because it's only 1-2 minutes of rest at most! lol. What a douche. Who falls alseep while they are exercising? lol! My hubby woke me up by throwing a blanket on my head lol. He said I slept for 15 minutes, so I really only did 75 minutes worth, I guess. I still can't believe I fell asleep. lol.
After that I couldn't get up off of the floor and my arms and shoulders were sore from what I had just done (minus falling asleep). Today was very entertaining, but I am sore--all around now.
I hope my legs are calm by tomorrow so that I can walk. If I feel a little sore tomorrow, I am still going to walk (provided that I wake up early enough) because I think it will be a good stretch for my legs--unless I am more sore tomorrow than I am today (I don't know why that would be the case). We'll see. I am planning on a walk though.
Oh, I didn't wear my HRM today, only the watch part, because I wanted to give my skin a rest. I wear that thing everyday, and my skin is starting to dry out where the strap goes. It's nice to leave it off for a day, but I have that feeling like I forgot to do something today lol.
I hope you all are having a great weekend! I welcome Monday! (I like Monday's, I don't know why). Make it count, even if you fall asleep trying to do it! lol
I can do this. I am a star.
PS, I knew I did something more yesterday! I did about 10 minutes worth of yoga yesterday after doing my leg stuff. (I remembered this morning after I woke up).
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
Make sure you're cleaning your strap with some kind of all-purpose germ killer, or washing it in a washing machine if it is cloth. I got a nasty arm fungus from my armband that I wore with my ipod. You might want to try rubbing some athlete's foot cream on the dry patches if they get any worse.
Thank you Ellie :). yikes about the armband, I didn't know that could happen! I have been cleaning it regularly--it's a rubberized plastic strap w/ these groves in it. I have pretty sensitive skin. Leaving it off for a day made a huge difference :). It's almost back to normal! Yaay!
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