Today I had a big and VERY exciting day. I don't know if you remember, but I told you last Thursday that I may or may not have some good news today? I will get to this, but first let me torture you with my boring usuals.
I got up early bla bla bla walked 2 miles in yadda yadda minutes (42) burned 473 calories.
There. Done. lol (I am not able to draw out the suspense like Jen she kills me with that!)
Can I just say that God answers prayers (not wishes, but prayers--whether or not in your favor)?
Can I just say that God's timing is ALWAYS perfect (I can't remember the scripture for this)?
God has proved these things to me over and over again, for the past 10 years. If you have unwavering faith in Him, the kind of faith that moves mountains, He helps you push (matthew 21:21).
Last week I was bummed out because of our situation. Nevada Checkup sent us a letter telling us that they wouldn't insure our son anymore because we didn't make enough money to qualify. Isn't that ridiculous???? A state run agency that we had to go to, because we couldn't afford insurance, isn't going to support us anymore BECAUSE WE DON'T MAKE ENOUGH $$$$. That hurt and that's crap. They referred me to welfare and I felt like a part of me died inside and I surrendered everything to Him. I would like to think that I always do surrender, but I am human, and sometimes I think I can control things and He proves to me time and time again, that I don't (Hebrews 11:16).
A few hours after I wrote that blog, I got a phone call from a local hospital here asking me if I could come into an interview. I applied for that job easily over a month before that phone call...I really just thought that they threw my application away, like the other 6 hospitals that I applied to did since January/February of this year (over 20 jobs I have applied for and been rejected for). I haven't worked in over 2 years, and I guess that is more of a problem than I thought. God makes the impossible, possible (Luke 18:27).
My interview was last Thursday. It went VERY well, and they called me in for a second interview which was today. I knew that if someone would just give me a chance, they would see that God put me on this earth to do this and they would hire me.
God promised to provide all that we need, and more (Philippians 4:19)!
Yesterday I found a letter that my husband and I both overlooked...I don't really know how this happened, but it was a letter from the State of Nevada. I always open these, because they are in regards to my son's insurance. This letter was from the welfare offices (I guess nevada check up referred us) telling me that failure to provide the info enclosed by July 20th would cause ineligibility. I opened the letter on July 21st :(. The first thought that went through my head was panic. If I didn't get this job, my last option was gone. If I didn't get the job I would have to apply for Welfare and no that's not even an option for us anymore.
Not even an hour after I opened that letter I got another phone call, from a company that I walked into almost 2 months ago, and they also wanted to interview me. God was showing me that He was going to provide for me and my family. He was reminding me to have strong faith and to not let the drama of this world shake that. To stress over money and things of this world, gives priority over God. Giving that kind of power to something is in a way a form of worship. I am not perfect, and I am often weak, so I forget this sometimes. He knows my weaknesses--He knew my name, thousands of years before I was a glimmer in my parent's eyes (Psalm 139:13-16).
I went in for that interview today as well and it went as equally as well.
Now the rest was up to God. I didn't know what God wanted for me. I think I know, but I don't want to put my will above His. I know that one of these jobs was in His will and I wanted to honor that. I knew that I needed to spend extra time with God to find the answers, so I fasted my computer for 12 hours today to be closer to Him and clear my head of everything else. He gave me the answers, very clearly and blessed me abundantly.
I knew how much the 2nd job offered (I was very happily surprised) but it wasn't in healthcare. I believe that God wants me in healthcare--He blessed me to be good at this, to have the compassion I need to do my job well. I didn't know how much the hospital job paid and didn't think it was going to be as much as the 2nd (I had heard numbers and figures thrown around at job fairs, and was not happy about them). I laid it at His feet and prayed some more and decided--because I feel that He was putting it in my heart--to take the lesser paying job and do what He wants. He blessed me...abundantly.
The hospital job pays more (very surprisingly) and I found this out after I had already made the decision in the back of my mind. While I was in the 2nd interview (with the job that pays more), the nurse director at the hospital called me to offer me the job :).
I HAVE A JOB! God answers prayers. He reigns and when He rains blessings on you, it pours! I have a job!
It's a full time job, working 7am-7:30pm and it's 3 days a week (I can work overtime if I want!).
I know, I know, you all are thinking (besides "woo hoo!" lol), "how are you going to continue to exercise everyday and work a 12 hour shift? That seems impossible!"
You'll see. God makes the impossible, possible. I have absolute faith that nothing will change with my resolution..afterall, my body is His temple, and I am trying to make this a cozy place for Him (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). I believe that we make time for the things we want to make time for, and I may need to modify my minutes a little (30 mins in the morning, 30 mins after work--worst case only 30 minutes a day on the days that I work, instead of 60), but I will get it done. God's timing is perfect and He will tell me when to exercise. I want to prove to all you working peepz, that work shouldn't be an excuse not to exercise. I have faith that God will help me with this. He gives us the strength to do what we gotta do (Philippians 4:13)!!!
I'm tired and am going to sit with my hubby now. I hope you all find His joy in your heart, the way that it lives in mine--even during hard times. If nothing else, God is faithful to provide a smile...we have the ability to smile, whether we want to or not, even if that is all we can do and have.
Make today count. He is faithful to help you, if you ask Him to (1 Corinthians 1:9)!
I can do this. I am a star. Praise God!
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
Yahoooooooooey!!! SO delighted for you! Welcome back to employment (it ain't always fun, but it sure does come in handy). God is, indeed, very, very great. When do you start?
Thank you Miriam! My official start date is Aug 10th so that I can get all of my paperwork signed and get my TB test done and read and such :). Yaay! Ok off to exercise before it gets too much later and brighter out there lol.
Oh, that is the best news ever! I'm so so happy for you and your family! Sometimes it's hard to have faith and but your trust in Him, but he always knows what's best for us, doesn't he.
Hi I just wanted you to know I came across your blog some months ago when you had just started and found it so inspiring that I "followed" it. now granted I've not followed religiously but I just wanted you to know I AM one of those working moms and your blog blessed me greatly today. It was just what i needed. :)
Congrats Melissa! God is so good!! I can't wait to see how you will work your exercise into the work days. You're so right, He will provide the means for that too.
Thank you everyone! Hearing that my blog post blessed you, blesses me! This blog post was completely inspired by Him and was like He was there telling me what to say. God is so so good, it makes me want to cry (tears of joy of course!).
This post is SOOO encouraging! I'm gonna look up every verse you list. My hubby was laid off last winter and has been looking for a job ever since. God has provided just what we need at exactly the moment we need it, and it's so great to see Him working in your life too. Congrats on the new job, that's such wonderful news. :)
Woo Hoo! Congratulations! I've been reading through all your emails trying to find out if you got the job! I'm so excited...when do you start?
Aug 10th :). Hope you had a great vacation! Glad to see you back! :) :)
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