Man, I thought Sunday was a hard day. Today was worse, but I got in 15,065 steps. That's 7.13 miles! I transferred patients, took the stairs and did all the same workday stuff that I do.
The stairs are becoming easier, and I am noticing squeezing and stretching is becoming easier thanks to yoga. Gotta love yoga.
God also blessed me. Lately I haven't been praying like I used to. I used to pray for all things. When I needed help, and when I didn't. I forget that I ALWAYS need help. Work is so stressful and hard, that I always just thank God for helping me, but I never ask Him for help, or invite Him along with my day.
I did today, and I got on time. That is huge. Today was a lot busier (the step count shows it!) and I finished early. I needed this. My supervisors are not happy that I have had to stay late to finish. I asked, "what can I do to fix it?" I was told, "you are a smart girl. You will figure it out." (biggest cop out answer ever.) I honestly have no idea how to fix it. I gave up, left it in His hands, and I finished. On time. I honestly don't know what I did differently today to finish early, but it was all Him. Same pod (the section that I work on)... mostly the same nurses... same patients...He helped me. He had to have. Nothing else makes sense. What a blessing.
One more day left. I pray He is there with me again, helping me. He will. God is faithful.
Make tomorrow count! It's gonna be the end of the week before you know it! You know what that means, right? Black Friday. Don't wait until then to get the walking in! You'll be glad you didn't!
I can do this. I am a star.
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
Hey, I'm finally back. So good to see you keeping up with your hard work.
It is amazing to me how you work, exercise and do the mom thing and keep it all together so well. Good Job!
How are you liking the WII Fit? I have wanted one for a long time but finances don't permit it just yet.
I'm back to blogging again. Yes, God is good. Isn't it funny how the busyness of life can drown out our faith sometimes? I'll be praying for you.
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