Today was tough because I felt pretty limited with what I could do with my sprained ankle. I kept it wrapped all day, put ice on it and kept it elevated for most of the day.
I had to go to work to fill out more paperwork in HR this morning, and I used crutches so that I could give my ankle a rest, like the ER doctor told me to. Man, crutches are hard! You have to be careful not to put too much pressure directly under your armpit because there is nerves there that you can do a lot of permanent damage too. You are supposed to support your body in between your bicep and like the side of your chest, and put your weight on your hands. It's hard and my deltoids are sore now from the crutches. I'll be using them again tomorrow.
I wanted to do my Wii Fit, but didn't :(. Probably isn't a good idea right now. I rested most of the day, until about an hour ago, where I did some heavy cleaning. I leaned on my good foot and babied my left ankle. It was only about 30 minutes of cleaning and dusting (my hubby helped me too--such a sweetie). I didn't vacuum or mop--I will wait until the weekend, when hopefully my ankle won't be as tender as it is now and I can put more weight on it.
I think I am satisfied with what I did. I really didn't think crutches would be much of a workout but they are. I am calling this a (non)rest day, using heavy cleaning as my mode of exercise for the day. I wonder what I will do tomorrow. It'll be fun to see how I am going to maneuver the crutches and my backpack lol.
Thank you for your well wishes! My ankle feels differently than it did yesterday--not good or bad. It's more achy today and puffy if I leave it unwrapped, but I am not having the sharp pain like I was yesterday. The top of my foot hurts a little bit too but other than that, everything is great (even with that everything is great!).
Hope you all have a great night! Make tomorrow count. Be creative! I know I will have to be! There are so many things that count as exercise. You'd be surprised!
I can do this. I am a star.
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
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