I don't know why, but I have been letting myself get really distracted in the last couple of days.
Today I only did 30 minutes of "Burn It Up!" because I got distracted again. Oh well, I guess it's better than nothing, but I wish I could clean my brain out, the way I have been cleaning my apartment. Ooh! Which reminds me...
I don't know if I will count this as exercise, but I did over 2 hours of heavy house cleaning today. I was a cleaning monster today. My in-laws are coming on Friday and I am trying to get things in order for them. We aren't Clean House slobs, but we just have too many things and no where to put any of it--so I have been getting rid of some stuff, and creating homes for others. Sparkpeople.com does consider heavy cleaning a cardiovascular exercise, so maybe I wont be so hard on myself for getting distracted today. Sparkspeople.com says that I burned 461.5 calories/hour doing heavy cleaning--don't know how accurate that is, but I'll take it! My heart rate was elevated, but I don't know if it was 460 kcal/hr elevated lol.We went to Costco the other day (we go a lot) and one of the sample carts had this stuff called Green Envy, a daily detox. It promotes proper digestion, detoxifying and cleansing your body, anti-bloating and boosting your energy and immunity because you are getting rid of the garbage toxins that your body stores. I convinced my hubby to buy it ($19 for 32 servings) and have been taking it for a few days now. I feel that since I am trying to make my outside healthier, I might as well work on the inside as well. This morning I noticed a boost in energy, which is what spurred the heavy house cleaning. There is no caffeine in it or anything, I think that my body is just able to give me the energy now, because I am getting rid of the toxins that have been stored in my body for so long. It's disgusting, and I keep it chilled. I use one of those cough syrup cups and shoot it back quickly so I don't have to taste it **dry heave**. If it gives me energy, and is cleaning out my system, then I don't mind swallowing this junk everyday, but oye it's nasty lol. It tastes just like I would imagine all of those veggies mentioned in the costco ad would taste like, blended together. *dry heave*
Anyway, hope everyone has a great workout! You all are stars for doing this with me! I just decided to do the Slim & 6pack so that I have at least done some ab work today (it's only 11 mins).
See you tomorrow!
I can do this, I am a star.
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
Eew! Let me know if it really works, though, and I'll consider it, too. Did you see the "green smoothie" that Lara at Lazy Organizer blogged about? As for cleaning, it must be in the air, because we did the same thing (LOL! "Clean HOuse" slobs - love that show!)
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