Yaay! Today is the 40th day that I have been exercising in a row! Whowouldathunkit?
Today I did "Burn it Up" again, but totally punked out on the push ups lol. I was oddly thinking about my son's foot size. Where I was laying on my stomach to do my push ups was one of his socks (just 1). I went off day dreaming about how hard it is for us to find socks that fit and how the socks at the swap meet are so much smaller than the ones at the store but the numbers are a lot larger (we just bought him a size 3-5yrs sock at K-Mart that fit but bought him a size 3-5yrs sock at the swap meet over a year ago that are itty bitty--he almost wears a size 8 shoe now,and he JUST turned 2!). Anyway before I knew it, Debbie Siebers was telling us to roll over to work on our abs and then I noticed how strange the weather was. I continued to do the ab work but just thought about the bipolar weather today. It just doesn't know how it wants to be. It's snow flurries, then sunny, then horizontal snow, then sunny, now it's snowing again, but it sounds like hail on the metal awning outside (all of this since 7am and it's almost 2pm now). It's 35 degrees out according to the desktop weather channel application but whatever, not important lol.
So I guess today was a total daydream exercise day (as you can see!) lol.
I am debating on whether or not I want to take my measurements again at the end of the "Slim in 6" series (Friday is the last day) because I will be done with the series. I took my last measurements at the beginning of Phase 3, so I didn't see the benefits of it. I'll ask my hubby what he thinks.
After Friday, I am going to start The Biggest Loser Workout again. I love Bob and his tattoos :).
Hope everyone has a great week! Exercising is such a great way to start off the week and turn the Monday blues around :).
*wink wink*
Guess what! It's sunny again :) lol
I can do this. I am a star. (40 days and strong!)
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
Yay for you! (Can you imagine what reaching day 100 will feel like?) The Red Fox heard my cold was completely gone and so we hit the gym today, too. It felt good.
The weather was crazy today! It was blizzard like when Sierra went to school, then it got sunny. I took my dad around the corner to the liqour store while it was sunny, and by the time we got back to his house (about 5min) it looked like we were in a snow bubble that was just shook up!! LOL I get through my workouts a lot faster when I'm day dreaming. I do that a lot. I am going to reply to your comment to me on my blog :O)
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