Today I did about 50 minutes of exercising that included a 2 mile power walk and circuit training with my strength training, to keep my HR elevated.
I came to the conclusion today, after pretty much power walking my 2 mile route, that I don't really jog any faster than I walk lol. I can jog/walk 2 miles in 30 minutes, and I power walked pretty much the entire thing today in 33 minutes. lol! I feel like I need to be really careful with my problem foot/ankle (the left one) because it has been swelling a lot lately--even when I'm not exercising, and it stays swollen all throughout the day, even if I keep it elevated. I can't remember, honestly, if it's always been this way and I just haven't noticed it until now, or if it's a new thing. Maybe my left ankle just has more fat on it than my (that's not unheard of!). It doesn't hurt, so that's a good thing. I think I am going to slow things down a notch...don't get me wrong, I love this new liberating feeling and goal for jogging, but I think it would be best for my physical health if I just power walked, instead of trying to jog all the time--at least until my ankle stops swelling on a regular basis. I will see how things go in the next week, and see if anything changes. I'm fine with this, seeing that I walk just as fast as I jog (lol that is so funny to me!) and it feels A LOT better on my feet/ankles when I just walk, instead of jogging. I have the rest of my life to jog! No hurry :).
Today this is what I did for my strength training:
Crunches with a twist -- 2 sets / 15 reps
Back extension -- 2 sets / 15 reps
One-arm dumbbell rows -- 2 sets / 15 reps
seated dumbbell concentration curls -- 2 sets / 15 reps
lying adduction -- 2 sets / 15 reps
standing adduction -- 2 sets / 15 reps
overhead tricep extension -- 2 sets / 15 reps (manually entered, so no link for this one)
Ok well I'm off to eat some breakfast and start the day! I hope you all have a great Monday, if you are off or not. Make it count! ;)
I can do this. I am a star.
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
sounds like a good workout!
hey star! ur a star and ur SMART too! good deal laying low on that ankle, and since you're such a speedy walker (not a slow jogger! HA) then you're getting the good workout no matter what. girl, I wish I could stay as consistent as you, but I'm workin' on it! you are such a star!!!
Thank you guys!
Nerd girl, it feels GREAT to strength train--I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I'm just glad that I'm doing it more on a regular basis than just what was on my videos. Exercising the old fashioned way (w/out technology) feels like I'm at the gym again, but without a membership! :)
Loree, the only reason why I'm consistent is because I told a whole lotta people that I was going to do this, and now I kind of have to! I think some people checked out my blog at first, just to see me fail (including family members), and that just motivated me even more! So many people didn't have faith in me and that made me really want it more. In all honesty though, the only reason why I do it every day is because of you guys (and the strength that God gives me) so I'm really glad you're right there working on it with me :). I think patience is the key to consistence, so keep with it and just take it one day at a time! You're a star too!!
Hey, guilt works! And whatever works to get you out there exercising is a positive thing.
Cool blog!
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