Today is bittersweet for me. I am happy because I get to see how far along I am coming, but I am upset because my camera is on it's last lick. I have a digital camera (Sony, Cyber-shot) that my hubby bought, long before we ever started dating (so it's old), and it's what we have been using for all of our family pictures and outings, including my monthly photos. I also used it as our video camera. Today my hubby took my May 2009 picture. The camera works fine--takes great pictures. When I got it over to the computer to transfer the picture over from the memory card, the folder was empty. I put it back in the camera...the folder was empty. I think we took 3 pictures before we could actually get one onto the computer without the camera erasing it. I also had pictures in there from the last month, of my family, and another family (with their new-born). They had relied on us for the pictures, because they accidentally forgot their camera. I also captured some cute videos on it of my son and my hubby making each other laugh (it was hysterical). I feel horrible that I don't have these pictures for them! I usually take all of my pics (at most 15-20) off of the memory card, when I am doing my monthly picture.
They are all gone :(. I'm sad about that, but I guess there are worse things to be upset over, so I'll get over it. I just hope I get a job soon, so that we can replace the camera, so that I can take my picture a month from now. There is still a lot of time, so that is good :).
Onto the good news.
My measurements:
Measurements: (day 121 / 90 / day 10) (- "/# lost in current month)
Wt: 200.0 / 203.6 / 215 (-3.6#) (total lost 15#)
Chest: 39.5" / 41" / 43.75"(-1.50") (total lost -4.25")
Waist: 35" / 36" / 41.5" (-1.0") (total lost -6.5")
Hips: 44" / 45.5" / 47.75" (-1.50") (total lost -3.75")
Neck: 13.25" / 13.75" / 14.25" (-0.50") (total lost -1")
Under bust: 33" / 34.25 / 36.75" (-1.25") (total lost -3.75")
1" below belly button: 41.25" / 43.25" / 47.5" (-2.0") (total lost -6.25")
below my bottom (above my thigh): 40.25" / 42" / 44" (-1.75") (total lost -3.75")
R Thigh: 19.75" / 20.5" / 27" (-0.75") (total lost -7.25")
L Thigh: 19.75" / 20.5" / 27.5" (-0.75") (total lost -7.75")
R Calf: 13.75" / 14" / 14.5" (-0.25") (total lost -0.75")
L Calf: 14" / 14.5" / 15.5" (-0.50") (total lost -1.5")
R upper Arm: 10.75" / 11.25" / 14" (-0.50") (total lost -3.25")
L upper Arm: 11" / 11.5" / 13.5" (-0.50") (total lost -2.5")
R wrist: 5.75" / 6" / 6.25" (-0.25") (total lost -0.5")
L wrist: 5.75" / 6" / 6.25" (-0.25") (total lost -0.5")
April 1, 2009
May 2009

Onto the mentionables. I mentioned the first one yesterday. I cheated and got on the scale the day before yesterday, and to my surprise it said 200.4! I got on it again today (hoping it wasn't a fluke lol) and it said 200.0 on the dot. Twice! (I only stood on it twice lol). I havent seen that number in a LONG time. I'm so excited!
Onto the second (not as exciting as the first).
Did you notice that I am wearing a different shirt this month? My previous shirt is now too big for me to wear (it was a size XL). I miss my shirt--it was my favorite to wear, but I have to pull it in the back for it to give me any shape or it just looks like I'm wearing a tent (ok, over exaggeration) but then I have all this fabric in the back, and it just looks silly. The arms are also way too big. I swim in it. Yaay!
I am also wearing most of my pre-pregnancy clothing, which I haven't done for almost 3 years. The shirt in this picture I haven't been able to wear since before I got married 3 years ago--it's a size L--not a large from a plus size clothing store or anything just a plain 'ol regular LARGE. I am also wearing my old pants, and all (but 1 or 2) of my old shirts (14 or 15 shirts?). yaay!
Onto the boring stuff I have to mention...(lol)...Today I did Turbo Sculpt and used my sculpting gloves along with my hand weights. They just aren't heavy enough anymore. I also did Ab Jam except for the last 2 minutes because Logan turned it off lol. He was tired of Mama exercising and wanted his snuggle time.
I guess that's it! I still hate that I am not dropping pounds like everyone else I read about, but we are all different, and at least I am not at a stand still. It is also noticible that I am losing inches/weight, so that's all that really matters. I am not as disappointed as I have been in the last few months, because I can see it. Under my clothes, I look WAY different :).
I hope you all have a great weekend! Make it count! It's worth it--I'm proof! You are stars!
I can do this. I am a star.
Oh. My Gosh. Girl, you look AMAZING! You want to know my favorite part of your picture sequence? The smile on your face that gets bigger and bigger as you get smaller and smaller. Too cute! (Pretty soon you're gonna have to start wearin' spandex in your monthly pics to show off your six pack!)
I'm sorry to hear about your camera. I HATE losing pictures, that's the worst. If you need help finding a good deal on a new camera, you know who to ask. Send me an email (annashopper at gmail dot com) telling me what model you have in mind and I can set up a deal alert so that I get an email when that model goes on sale.
Really, you are amazing. You are an inspiration! You are a star!
that's funny! I never noticed that about my smile lol. I can definitely say that since I started exercising, I do feel a lot happier in life, and it probably does show on the outside :). I wouldn't say I was depressed, but I was definitely finding myself unhappy a lot. Spandex rocks. If I am ever able to, I am going to rock the 80s exercise look again--side pony tail, headband and all (lol). (j/k...or am I? lol).
My hubby just called me and said he is looking at cameras. I have no idea what kind we are looking at--probably the cheapest lol. We will probably get one on clearance somewhere. If I come up with a model, I will definitely utilize your mad skills! I told my hubby that you blow us both out of the water, as far as bargain shopping goes lol. Hope the morning sickness is giving you a bit of a break! Thanks again :) :)
WHOA, Talk about a hot mamma! You look awesome! I'm so glad you have taken pictures to help track your progress because the scale doesn't always reflect what's really happening.
Keep it up!
Yay! You look fantastic and you are smiling don't hate to stand in front of the camera to show us...I'm so excited for you...ignore the scale if you can...your measurements show the real progress...I can hardly wait to see you in "girl" workout clothes...I'll bet you surprise yourself with how cute you look in them. You are a star!
Linked to you above, Melissa...I'm so proud of you!
Thank you Jen. You're comments always make me feel like a giddy school girl lmao! I agree with the scale. It's evil.
Thank you Erin :). You're 100% right! I don't hate the camera anymore. I'm glad because I would like to see pictures of myself when my son is still young :). Like I mentioned to Annalisa, I plan to rock the 80's when I can fit into shiny pink spandex again lol. Thank you for the mention! You are waaay too kind! I hope you guys feel better :).
Looooking good! She loses inches AND her hair changes - amazing!! Seriously, I was so excited for the 1st of the month for you! Truly inspirational and I also noticed your smile growing each month. Keep it up - wow!
Wow! You LOOK GREAT! I came over from "nagle5" and I'm glad I did.
Did I read that you are exercising every day?!?!? What type of exercises are you doing? Video workouts? Did you change your eating habits? Come check out my weight loss pictures in the navigation bar at the top of my blog.
I have lost from 257.4 to 199. I still have 30 more to go! These last 30 aren't leaving easily. I've been stuck for quite some time.
Nice to meet you!
You look awesome!!! Way to go!
I have been reading My friend, Nagle 5's blog and today was drawn to check out your page to see how you are doing and what size you were to start with. I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU. I don't know you but this is AMAZING! I TOO love the fact that your smile has increased. I also LOVE the fact that you are wearing the same clothing, of course, up til now :) and the same pose. So often people change their pose and the reality isn't true. Good luck in continuing to work this challenge in your life. You look FABULOUS!
Kathi Bachor, Athens, TX
Thank you Miriam! :) I hope all is well with turbo jam!
Hi Beth :). Congrats on the weight loss! That's amazing progress, and I hope to have the same kind of results that you are having. Yes, I exercise every single day (since Jan 1, 2009). I am currently doing Turbo Jam and really enjoy it and am seeing great results. I enjoy all things beachbody! At first I didn't change my eating habits, as they aren't that bad. I don't eat lots of junk food or anything...I just really started counting my calories, and started a food journal through Seeing what you eat, really makes a difference on what you put in your mouth! I also cut refined sugar out of my diet recently, which made a world of a difference too! Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you Astrid!!! :) ) :)
Hi Kathi :). I am so blessed to have Erin as a bloggy friend. She is so supportive and helps me in so many ways, I can't even count them! Thank you so much for your kind words and support! I really don't know what size I wear (I have been wearing my maternity clothing up until recently!), but at my heaviest I was 240 lbs (after I had my son). I've been slowly dropping weight over the last few years, but haven't been really exercising until this resolution. To date, I've lost 40 lbs, but I've lost 15 lbs and over 50 inches since January 2009. I agree about the poses and such, so I have been trying to be honest with myself and with everyone that comes across my blog, by posting in the same clothing and same pose :). Thank you again for stopping by :).
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