Today I guess is sort of a (non)rest day. I used cleaning again as a form of exercise. I zoomed around the house, speed cleaning, to make sure that my HR stayed elevated. I did this for 50 minutes, and burned around 300 calories.
Every Friday my bloggy friend Erin does a Friday Flashback photo thing with her bloggy friend, and I thought this week I would join in, because I found something appropriate.
I am almost ashamed to post this, but I am not, because this is not me anymore. I remember how it felt in this picture. I remember taking this picture and trying to stand up tall so I looked thinner (didn't help pssht lol).
This picture also cleared up a bit of confusion for me. I have been saying that I lost about 50 lbs since Jan 2007, but that's only because that's one of the last times I remember getting on the scale (had to--was at the dr's office after I had The Monkey Boy). In this picture, I am no smaller than I was in 2007. In fact, I think I look larger than I did after I had my son. I think this is pretty awesome because I can put an image/weight to a date that wasn't too long ago--September 28, 2008, the day my son got his first hair cut (they gave him a cute certificate and a snipit of hair). I guess it doesn't matter how long ago it was, but it makes me happy that that me is in the past. For good.
This next picture is the most comparable picture I have I think, to the pose, and of something somewhat recent (July 2009)
Anyway, that's my Friday Photo Flashback :).
Be back tomorrow, bright and early (I hope).
Make today count! It's not over yet. Start over now if you must! Why wait until tomorrow? Now is a perfect time!
I can do this. I am a star.
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
Great Flashback Mel! I especially appreciate your attitude of it doesn't matter what the scale said or when it said it....You're far and away so much more healthy (okay, thinner too!) than those flashback fotos! Progress has been made, but so much more than just physically.
This week I did a bit of an experiment (for scientific purposes only of course, NOT) I proved the formula: eat crap = feel like crap :( I slithered onto the scale this morning praying for a certain number and I saw it! I was happy I'd kept to that number after an abysmal week. But you know what? Healthy thinking works in both directions....just because I saw that number, I don't feel good for what I did last week. So even conversely, THE NUMBER DOESN'T REALLY MATTER.
Wow, was that deep for you? It was for me! THANKS a billion times over for your consistency over the last 254 days. You're doing a LOT of folks a world of good, besides yourself! xxoo
YOu've come such a long way! I'm so glad you can see it. I remember hating pictures of my son with me because I felt like I ruined the picture by not being something...I always, always found fault with it. Now, however, I love the few we have because, like you, my baby made love shine from my face!
Hi there! I'm so sorry that I didn't see your link till now.
You look amazing!!!! Wow! That is really inspirational! How did you do it?? I hope you don't mind me asking!
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