So today is day 2, and I have to say it was not that bad, even with having to work.
I got home from work and Hubby and Monkey Boy were both ready and willing to let Mama have the TV for exercise. Of course this didn't mean that they weren't going to be entertained by my exercising. I decided to do the Wii Fit today, because I thought today was a rest day on EA Active Sports, so I threw on the Wii Fit and started off w/ the body test (my Wii Fit age was 32--same as my real age), and did some strength training. I did:
Rowing Squats, 10 (100%) and then 30 (100%) and
Torso Twists, 3 (94%) then 6 (92%).
This is where the boys got their entertainment. They both thought it was totally necessary and EXTREMELY funny to make fart noises as mommy did the rowing squats. Wow. I sure do fart a lot (I think hubby was more into it than The Monkey Boy!). :)
Then I did some of the games:
Obstacle Course, Beginner--453 yards
Bird's-eye bull's-eye--184 points
soccer heading--65 points and
3 rounds of penguin slide (I think it was 3. it was either 2 or 3--mommy brain).
In all I did 21 minutes. Not a lot, but not bad considering I have been at work since 6am and didn't get home until close to 7pm.
I headed over to EA Active Sports to log in my journal (side note: I made a short term goal to follow through exactly with what EA Sports has planned for the 30 day challenge--I have yet to complete it, the way it wants me to so here goes nothing!) and saw that today was NOT a rest day like my hubby insisted. I plan to do it (fingers crossed) after the Monkey Boy gets tired of the Wii Fit. I just hope it's not too late. If I don't get to it, I'll just reset it again so I can do a pefect 30 days lol (can you guess how many times I've reset it? lol).
I feel pretty good today. Not nearly as sick as I was, so the antibiotics are definitely helping. I'm not as sore as I though I would be either. Just a little ache, but nothing that screams at me. I am proud of myself for not lagging after I got home from work. Yaay me!
Have to work again tomorrow, but I'll be back.
I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength! (Phil 4:13)
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
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