Well I did it. Today was a workday and I forgot my pedometer at home again (doh!). It was much busier than last week so a safe estimation of 13000 steps wouldn't be pushing it. My arms are also still a little sore from Wii Baseball yesterday...which I love.
So there you have it.
365 days of exercise.
I did it!
It wasn't a great feat because it was a bunch of small "make it counts" in a row. That's all you gotta do with anything big. Break it down into smalls. Think of it like a huge hunk of meat. You don't just inhale the entire thing. You break it down and work on it piece by piece.
You can totally do it if you are wondering.
I have a toddler, a job (a very physical one at that!), I work 12 hour shifts, I used to be a stay at home mom, and have a busy life. I even moved across state and sprained an ankle. I got a dog, had to give her up and was adopted by a strange pizza eating cat. I suck at replying to emails, comments and everything else that is bloggy related, I have issues managing my personal time, and I procrastinate BIG TIME, so this totally proves that I am just like everyone else (although you might be waay better at these things, than I am! sorry again!), with a normal life. I also heart sugar. yummy yummy sugar. *drool*
I have learned a lot and I had a vision of writing down a ton of things/goals that I had achieved throughout the year, but I'm tired.
I will tell you however that I am going to continue and focus on the things that I brushed aside or didn't try too hard with this year, because I didn't want to get overwhelmed and quit. I can totally do more than 10 mins a day now, so that will change. I also want to focus on strength training a lot more and my eating. I did HORRIBLY the past 2 weeks w/ my diet, but the rest of the year wasn't as bad as it could have been. This proves to me that focusing on what I eat is a must, if I want to lose weight. MORE weight. I probably gained 10 lbs in the last 2 weeks just eating whatever I wanted. I don't feel like I was owed it, but I spent a good portion of this year being "good" so I just let lose. Tomorrow that will change. Back to focusing and back to the basics. I also want to lose more weight in 2010 than I did in 2009.
That being said, I (really want to cry) decided to commit to something for 2010 that I have been dreading, but it is inevitable. I have issues w/ it and it needs to stop. I am in total denial and think "why the heck would I do this," but I need to. It's an addiction talking. I'm talking about sugar...again.
In 2010 no more sugar. Anything I see as a threat to this, I won't eat--including diet soda *cry*. I keep reading that there is a relationship between sugar cravings and diet soda, so I am just going to cut them both out. I know I am not strong enough, but I realize that God has given me HUGE amounts of strength and determination to do something hard for 365 days in a row (I'm not stopping people!) that I know that with His strength, I can do this. No sugar for 2010. I ate a good-bye brownie at work. It's going to be hard, but I know I can do all things in Him who gives me the strength to do it (Phil 4:13)! So can you!
My work schedule is crazy for the next few days. I work on the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th, until I get back to my usual Sunday, Monday, Tuesday schedule. I do have a 1 day off in there, twice, but it's not enough for me to rest up, do measurements and all of that and get stuff done to be ready for work the next day, so I probably wont be posting any results until the 8th. I will post results for the entire year and all of that good stuff :). I don't think I did my first measurements in January until the 10th or 11th anyway, so it's all good.
Have a good night and a safe new year.
Thank you all for your support and patience with me. You all have blessed me in so many ways. I wish I could hug you all--including all of you lurkers! You bless my socks off!
In 2009 I exercised 365 days in a row.
I CAN do this. I am a star!
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
I'm first! I'm first!
Forget "I can do this..." Honey, YOU DID IT!!
(Insert Dora the Explorer song here)
It has been such an honor sharing this journey with you, and I am incredibly impressed that you're extending the resolution (and making new ones!) for 2010.
Mazal tov is all I can say!
Big hugs from here in Israel,
You so funny Miriam (re the dora song). The funny thing was that I sang along lol. I think you are too kind and am just blessed to have new friends like you. Thank you for ALL of your support and for constantly cheering me on! ((hugs))
Well, I was thinking more of Woody's Happy Dance from Toy Story, but hey, any way you look at it, you did it! You committed to a goal and you saw it through from start to finish and that is something to be proud of! You've inspired me tremendously and you've given yourself the gift of follow-through. Nothing can stop you now!
Yay! You are so amazing. I have loved following you this past year, and watching your progress! What a lofty goal, and what an amazing accomplishment! I can't wait to watch your progress in 2010. :)
I am so proud of you! As a total stranger, I just wanted you to know that you are an inspiration. Congrats on doing this 365 in a row!!! And here's to 365 more! I am so excited for you to continue your journey.
Congratulations for following through. You've accomplished something very few people ever have. Good luck increasing your times in 2010.
Thank you Erin and Annalisa. After 2009 I know that I can totally doable. I still can't believe that the year is said and done. Thank you for all of your support!
Thank you Annon! I am excited to continue it now that I know I can!
Thank you Libby! I feel like this year has been off to a rocky start, but I am not giving up. I think I have been better with the no sugar/no soda thing than anything else. I have to work on the rest still.
Really useful blog.Good work keeping this updated! HCG diet Thanks a lot!
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