It's been a week since my last post but I haven't given up or stopped my 30 day challenge. In fact I even added a new exercise to my regimen that I am a little ashamed of (have I mentioned it? It's been so long I can't remember).
Here has been my week so far:
Sunday (day 7):
Work, 12,038 steps, 5 minutes of EA Sports Active before work
Monday (day 8):
work, 13,980 steps, 12 minutes of EA Sports Active before work
Tuesday (day 9):
22 minutes of EA Sports Active, 85 minutes of a new shameful, embarrassing addiction (521 calories burned total)
Wednesday (day 10):
work, 13,068 steps, 11 minutes of EA Sports Active before work
Thursday (day 11):
43 minutes with my shameful addiction after discovering more than one way to do it (246 calories burned)
Friday (day 12):
48 minutes (2 parter) EA Sports Active and walking for an 1.25 hours (a slow 3.22 miles)
Saturday (day 13):
24 minutes EA Sports Active, walking for 60 minutes (a slow 2.3 miles)
Sunday/today (day 14):
20 minutes with my shameful embarrassing addiction (so much fun) and walking 2 miles in 45 minutes.
Have you ever done something you swore that you would never do? Something that you see other people doing and you think to yourself "what a douche" when you see them doing it, because you are just too good to lower yourself to that kind of level? I am there and I am ashamed. It's embarrassing. I have to do it when no one is around. Not even my 3 year old son because even he mocks and laughs at. I was embarrassed to walk to the check stand, because I knew the checker would think, "well he isn't doing it" of my husband, "he isn't doing it--he's too young," of my son, and laugh to think I was the one doing it. The dainty young man at the counter in fact "o.m.g. hearts" it. Of course.
I'm just kidding, not about the checker though. Or my son laughing at me. He laughs hysterically with every single step that I take, like it's a joke that never gets old. It's not at all as dramatic as I drew it out to be though. It's sweet and beautiful and I even joined a group on Sparkpeople to support my new love for it. Something I never in a million years thought that I would jump on the bandwagon for.
Dance Dance Revolution.
Some sparky friends mentioned it last week or the week before, and I was curious to find out that it was a good workout. I honestly can't remember if I mentioned it here before, but it's my new addiction. We got it, I played it, and I have the songs stuck in my head 24/7. I want to dance like the characters on the screen, but instead I'm left with hip swinging, hard punching (cause they don't register if they aren't hard for me), hula hooping arrows that flash on my screen in "workout mode", and videos to songs that I love, that I can never watch, because I am too busy paying attention to the arrows because I want to get a good grade (I am a C average student for the first time in my life--I've only gotten 2 B's one on a Coldplay song and the other on a Black Eyed Pea's song--the rest C's and a few D's! doh!).
I just discovered that the songs have a bpm rating, like 138 beats per song, or 155 beats per song (a Kiss song) that makes me feel spazzy like I could be strung out on crack or something. The faster the beats, the faster the arrows scroll through and the better your coordination must be. Great workout. Still embarrassing to do. I am addicted.
I also still really love my EA Sports Active. My muscles are very sore but I feel MUCH stronger and it's been only like a week since I started. Also a great workout. I feel so blessed to have found motivation again, even though it's something unrelated to exercise. EA Sports Active has trophies, like Sparkpeople. Friends, for me it's about the trophies. One of my recent trophies is running 25 laps on the virtual track. I jog around my living room literally doing it. I sweat a lot, but I do it. I'm excited to do it. I hope I never lose this excitement.
Anyway I hope you all are having a wonderful Hallmark holiday! I had today off so I am happy. I work for the next 3 days in a row though, and I guess I'm happy about that too. The work is hard, but at least I have a job to go to.
Have a great night! See you soon!
I can do this. I am a star.
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
4 days ago
Thanks for giving motivation toward health.i would like to continue all tips given by you.
Grow taller for idiots
LOL! I love DDR, but I confess I have to do things on "spaz" level...and I let my children laugh at me...did you know there are different version with different songs?
New here - LOVE it!
So I'm a little late to the party!
That bpm thing is great, eh?
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