This morning I did Cize's Full Out video. It lasted for 37 minutes. The first time I did it was on Monday and I think my heart rate was only like an average of 116 so I remember thinking that it wasn't as hard as the previous week. There were some jumps and things I couldn't do that hurt my knees and just chalked up to my weight but overall I felt it was easier than the week before. And then I did yesterday. It was hard and I had a very hard time trying to get through it. so then today I repeat mondays workout and I forced myself through all the jumps and DID IT (although I'm paying for it now) it wasn't as easy as it was on Monday, so I'm not sure what my deal was lol. today my ever to her it was 139 and I was sweating afterwards. Dripping sweat.
Tomorrow morning I have to do the hard one and I am not looking forward to it. I have to wake up earlier than I have been to exercise (bc of back to school) and I hate that. I know that I'll get over it, but i'm just gonna have a little tantrum until I do lol. I have to wake up early and do the hard one??? Ugh! I'm thinking that I'm gonna try to do this week's workout a second time and extend the 4 wks to 5 weeks. I will be a pro at this hard routine before I'm done.
One day at a time. One choice at a time.
I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength.