It's been a really long time since I have posted, but I wanted to let you all know what I have been up to!
I had another baby, bought a house and have had many blessings. Along with the blessings, we have had trials.
My best friend died on May 3rd. She was my mother in law, only 57 and it was sudden and very unexpected. They found cancer, and it spread a lot faster then they thought it would. All of her doctors were blown away at the progression. They thought it was colon cancer but it ended up being liver cancer that killed her. She died while waiting to see what their plan was. Thought they were dealing with colon cancer (which is slow growing) so they thought she had more time. She went into complete liver failure in a matter of weeks and that's when they found that it was liver cancer.
She was the healthiest one out of all of us. She didn't drink, do drugs and she even stayed away from refined sugars. She watched everything she put into her mouth. She exercised everyday, worked full time, went to school full time and even found time to be very active in her church and with her family. She was a total inspiration to others. She loved God and was a devout Christian. I used to say that I wanted to be like her and follow in her footsteps, but I read somewhere recently, (and I'm paraphrasing), "don't seek to follow in someone else's footsteps, seek what they sought after." Brilliant. I think that is what she would say.
About 3 weeks ago, I got back in touch with sparkpeople and created a new goal. I didn't realize how simple it seemed. I just need to stay on track. I am watching what I eat a lot more (lots of salads and chicken), and this time around it's been much easier, maybe because the goal seems tangible. Sparkpeople says that I can lose 107 lbs by June 1, 2014, as long as I lose 2 lbs every week. That is AMAZING!! So far I have lost 6 lbs, so I have been able to stay on track. Jana is giving me motivation and strength beyond the grave. I love her and miss her.
Hope all of you are well out there in bloggy land! Btw are any of you on Pinterest? I recently found it and LOVE IT! I am finding all sorts of recipes and craft stuff that I can do and modify to fit my family's eating style and such. Never thought I'd love it, but I do (I was anti there for a while lol!).
Smiles and blessings,